Thursday, July 26, 2012


Giant human skeleton found in Saudi Arabia
By Saalim Alvi from Riyadh Apr 22, 2004, 12:04 Recently gas exploration is going in the desert of south east region of Saudi Arabia . This desert region is called Empty Quarter , which means in Arabic "RAB - UL -KHAALEE"; this body has been found by ARAMCO exploration team. This proves what Allah SWT said in QURAN about the people of AAD nation and HOOD nation.

They were so tall, wide and very power full that they were able to pull out big trees just with the one hand. But what happen after when they become misguided and disobeys Allah SWT, Allah SWT destroyed the whole nation. ULEMA KIRAM of Saudi Arabia believes that this body belongs to AAD nation.

Saudi military took over this whole area. And nobody is allowed to go in this region except Saudi ARAMCO personnel's. Saudi government has kept it very secret but some military helicopters took pictures from air. And one of them he runs on internet here in Saudi Arabia

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: "Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, created Adam in His own image with His length of sixty cubits, and as He created him He told him to greet that group, and that was a party of angels sitting there, and listen to the response that they give him, for it would form his greeting and that of his offspring. He then went away and said: Peace be upon you! They (the angels) said: May there be peace upon you and the Mercy of Allah, and they made an addition of" Mercy of Allah". So he who would get into Paradise would get in the form of Adam, his length being sixty cubits, then the people who followed him continued to diminish in size up to this day. (Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 040, Number 6809)"


Friday, July 13, 2012

Why ISLAM says don't Smoke?

‎"Proof of Cigarette being Haram"

Allah says, "And forbid them what is bad." - (Surah Al-'Araf, 7:157)

"O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abominations that ye may prosper." - (Surah Al Ma'idah, 5:93)

"And slay not the life which Allah hath forbidden..." - (Surah, Al-Isra, 17:33)

"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction." - (Surah, Al-Baqara, 2:195)

"Nor kill or destroy yourselves for verily Allah hath been to you most Merciful." (Surah, An-Nisa, 4:29)

Prophet Mohammed (peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Nor be hurt or injure others."

It is scientifically proven that the exhaled smoke of the smoker is hazardous to non-smokers around him.

Breathing of smoke caused by someone else is known as "passive smoking". It is also known as involuntary smoking or second hand smoking. Approximately 50,000 non smoker deaths from heart related issues can be linked to passive smoking each year.

Allah says: "But squander not your wealth in the manner of a spend thrift, verily spendthrifts are brothers of evils." - (Surah, Al-Isra, 17:26, 27)

The amount of money a smoker spends on cigarette smoking in a period of 30 years is calculated to be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars or more. All this money is simply wasted (not including the money spent on smoker's health care).

Suggestion: Quit this evil act, repent to Allah and do not stay around such friends;

The Qur'an informs us that on the Day of Judgment there will be people who will bite their hands in regret that they were lead astray because of choosing wrong people as their friends, they would say;

"Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (this Qur'an) after it had come to me.' (The Glorious Qur'an 25: 27)

Therefore; Smoking is absolutely Haram, and Allah knows best

" Any good is from Allah & the mistakes were from myself "

Knee Ligament Injuries May be More Common in Men

Men have a greater number of knee ligament injuries than women, despite research suggesting that women's knees are more prone to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and surgeries to fix them, according to a Swedish study.
The report, published in the American Journal of Sports medicine, counted the injuries across the entire Swedish population, not just among players of particular sports or in certain regions.
The ACL is the key stabilizing ligament in the knee, and is most often injured during sports that involve quick turns or pivoting movements, such as basketball, soccer and skiing. It has been estimated that 80,000 cruciate ligament injuries - the majority of them ACL - take place in the United States every year, with almost half surgically repaired.
"I think the difference is that earlier studies studied at-risk populations," said Richard Nordenvall, of Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden.
"In those studies, women are more prone to get injured. The difference with this study is that we studied the general population."
Nordenvall and his colleagues used a nationwide database of patients to see how many Swedes had knee ligament injuries and how many had surgical repairs between 2002 and 2009.
Overall, 56,659 people in Sweden tore a knee ligament during the study period. The researchers say that works out to an average of 78 tears for every 100,000 Swedish citizens.
Men accounted for about 34,000 of the tears, or 60 percent. Men also had 59 percent of the reconstructive surgeries associated with knee ligament injuries.
Swedish women tended to experience ACL injuries at a younger age - between the ages of 11 and 20, versus 21 to 30 for men.
When Nordenvall and his colleagues looked just at the age groups with the highest injury rates, men still had far more knee troubles. The numbers worked out to about 144 tears per 100,000 women between 11 and 20 years old, and 225 tears per 100,0000 men aged 21 to 30.
Darin Padua, director of the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said he was not surprised by the findings.
No one can say for certain why women seem to tear their knee ligaments earlier in life compared to men, Padua said, but it probably has to do with the body's development and movement patterns.
"It's a common injury and it's more common than what has been thought of earlier," Nordenvall said.
Padua echoed this, adding that it helps to show that both men and women should be taking part in injury prevention programs.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Favorite Water Fall

The majestic wonder of the powerful waterfall is the centerpiece of the Park and proudly boasts being one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. Kaieteur Falls is undoubtedly the crown jewel of Guyana's interior. Its thunder can be heard long before visitors glimpse this magnificent cascade. The Potaro River runs through the park falling over the Kaieteur escarpment to form the Kaieteur Falls. The Falls has a sheer drop of 226 meters (741 feet), a total height of 251 meters (822 feet), and during the rainy season, a width of 122 meters.  More than 136,200 liters of tannin-stained water, per second, shrouded in mist and pierced by rainbows, crash to the bottom of the rocky but lush gorge.  Kaieteur is one of the highest, and the most spectacular, and powerful waterfalls in the world.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

மூளையைப் பாதிக்கும் 10 பழக்கங்கள்

1. காலையில் உணவு உண்ணாமல் இருப்பது

காலையில் உணவு உண்ணாமல் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு ரத்தத்தில் குறைவான அளவே சர்க்கரை இருக்கும். இது மூளைக்குத் தேவையான சக்தியையும் தேவையான ஊட்டச் சத்துக்களையும் கொடுக்காமல் ஆக்கி, மூளை அழிவுக்குக் காரணமாகும்.

2.மிக அதிகமாகச் சாப்பிடுவது

இது மூளையில் இருக்கும் ரத்த நாளங்கள் இறுகக் காரணமாகி, மூளையின் சக்தி குறைவுக்குக் காரணமாகும்.

3. புகை பிடித்தல்

மூளை சுருகவும், அல்ஸைமர்ஸ் வியாதி வருவதற்கும் காரணமாகிறது.

4.நிறைய சர்க்கரை சாப்பிடுதல்

நிறைய சர்க்கரை சாப்பிடுவது, புரோட்டின் நமது உடலில் சேர்வதைத் தடுக்கிறது. இதுவும்மூளை வளர்ச்சிக்கு பாதிப்பாகிறது.

5. மாசு நிறைந்த காற்று

மாசு நிறைந்த காற்றை சுவாசித்தல், நமக்குத் தேவையான ஆக்ஸிஜனை நாம் பெறுவதிலிருந்து தடை செய்கிறது. மூளைக்கு ஆக்ஸிஜன் செல்லாவிட்டால், மூளை பாதிப்படையும்.


நல்ல தூக்கம் நம் மூளைக்கு ஓய்வு கொடுக்கும். வெகுகாலம் தேவையான அளவு தூங்காமலிருப்பது மூளைக்கு நீண்டகாலப் பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும்.

7. தலையை மூடிக்கொண்டு தூங்குவது

தலையை மூடிக்கொண்டு தூங்குவது, போர்வைக்குள் கரியமிலவாயு அதிகரிக்க வைக்கிறது. இது நீங்கள் சுவாசிக்கும் ஆக்ஸிஜனை குறைக்கிறது. குறைவான ஆக்ஸிஜன் மூளையைப் பாதிக்கிறது.

8.நோயுற்ற காலத்தில் மூளைக்கு வேலை கொடுப்பது

உடல் நோயுற்ற காலத்தில் மிக அதிகமாக மூளைக்கு வேலை கொடுப்பதும், தீவிரமாகப் படிப்பதும் மூளையைப் பாதிக்கும். உடல் சரியாக ஆனபின்னால், மூளைக்கு வேலை கொடுப்பதே சிறந்தது.

9.மூளைக்கு வேலை கொடுக்கும் சிந்தனைகளை மேற்கொள்ளாமல் இருப்பது

மூளையை அதிகமாக உபயோகப்படுத்தும் சிந்தனைகளை மேற்கொள்வதால், மூளையில் புதுப்புது இணைப்புகள் உருவாகின்றன. அதனால், மூளை வலிமையான உறுப்பாக ஆகிறது.

10. பேசாமல் இருப்பது

அறிவுப்பூர்வமான உரையாடல்களை மேற்கொள்வது மூளையின் வலிமையை அதிகரிக்கிறது.

12 Foods and Their benefits......

12 Foods Which Beloved Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) Liked And Their Benefits From Tib Al-Nabwi.

1. Barley ( جو jau):
Good in fever, while use in a soup form.

2. Dates ( کھجور ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.

3. Figs ( انجير ):
It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.

4. Grapes ( انگور ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) ) was very fond of grapes – it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.

5. Honey ( شہد ):
Considered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.

6. Melon ( تربوز - خربوزا - سردا ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said: ‘None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance

7. Milk:
The Prophet(صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.

8. Mushroom ( کھمبي ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes; it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.

9. Olive Oil ( زيتون )
Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach.

10. Pomegranate ( انار ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said it cleanses you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days.

11. Vinegar ( سرکہ ):
A food Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to eat with olive oil.

12. Water ( پاني ):
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) said the best drink in this world is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver

Why I like Fruits????????????

Monday, July 2, 2012

Fast Food= ProcessedFood

It’s Called Junk and You Still Eat It

The profits of giant fast food chains hit billions of dollars every year as hungry consumers all around the world continue to line up to get hamburgers or pizzas with French fries and sodas. Fast-paced citizens of the 21st century spend their money and risk their health to eat junk. Mainly composed of fat and salt, fast food is nothing but that. Americans eat it to enjoy its delicious taste and to save their time and effort; non-Americans, especially Arabs, consume fast food to imitate the American behavior and to be cool and trendy. Both groups of people are gravely harming their health.
Fast Food= ProcessedFood
Basically, fast food is processed food; but what is processed food to begin with? Processed food is simply food that has been altered in a factory from the way in which nature presented it, as part of a bulk process where natural and chemical food additives are added. This leaves the final product without its naturally created nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Besides giving the food its delectable taste, food additives keep it lasting unspoiled for a long time, which means that processed food is usually stored for a long time before it is purchased and eaten! The oldest natural food additives are salt, sugar, and vinegar; and although these are natural, an excess in their amounts seriously endangers the health.
Junk foods characteristically contain high amounts of salt (sodium chloride). Sodium is necessary for various metabolic functions; too much of it, however, is associated with an increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). Hypertension is a known risk factor for heart disease.
If this is the case with natural food additives, then how about artificial ones? With the advent of processed foods in the past thirty years, there has been a massive explosion in the chemical adulteration of foods with additives.
In his best seller, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser reveals to the American public very interesting facts about what they eat. He talks about his experience in a factory in New Jersey where he discovered how the flavors of McDonald's food products are fabricated.
Current food processing methods gather many parts of many animals into one burger. The burger's beef has to be deep-fried in oil at high temperatures over 300° C, and this goes for almost all the popular fast foods that have to be deep-fried, consequently, they become denatured and possibly even carcinogenic.
Moreover, there is a very interesting story to tell about the popular McDonald's French fries exposing the way they are processed, and the flavors that distinguish them. For decades, McDonald's cooked its French fries in a mixture of 7% cottonseed oil and 93 % beef tallow. The mixture gave the fries their unique flavor and more saturated beef fat per ounce than a McDonald's hamburger.
In 1990, amidst a barrage of criticism over the amount of cholesterol in its fries, McDonald's switched to pure vegetable oil. This presented the company with a challenge: how to make fries that subtly taste like beef without cooking them in beef tallow. A look at the ingredients in McDonald's French fries suggests how the problem was solved. Toward the end of the list is a seemingly innocuous yet oddly mysterious phrase: "natural flavor". That ingredient helps to explain why the fries taste so good.
Food additives interfere with what we drink as well as what we eat. Let alone the dangers posed by the chemical ingredients of soft drinks, additives put in the most popular beverages in the world are quite unsafe. Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is used to keep flavor oils present in soft drinks in suspension thus giving the well-known cloudy appearance to these beverages.
Small residues of BVO are trapped in body fat, and it has not yet been scientifically proven that BVO is safe. Bromate, the main ingredient of BVO, is a poison. Just two to four ounces of a 2 percent solution of BVO can severely poison a child.
Another very ironic fact about soft drinks is that diet Coke and diet Pepsi are considered the way out for those who care to have a healthy diet. These people are unaware that instead of sugar, the artificial sweetener in the diet sodas is acesulfame K. This is linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease, and a plethora of other illnesses; doctors even warn that acesulfame K may be carcinogenic.
We thus see how the mouth-watering tastes of the much popular American fast food diet are all about chemicals, artificial flavors and food additives that are added to the food in the course of a hi-tech manufacturing process.
Fat and Sugar: Obesity Has Become A Phenomenon
Simply put, fast food is high in fat and sugar – that is to say high in calories – and low in its nutrient value. Fast food is particularly high in saturated fats, generally preferred by the food industry because it is cheap and can withstand high cooking temperatures.
It has been scientifically proven that saturated fats are correlated to cholesterol levels in the blood, and can therefore cause heart diseases.
While experts state that a healthy meal should have less than 30% of its calories from fat, with 9 grams of fat and 270 calories, a McDonald's hamburger just breaks the 30% ceiling. Burger King's hamburger has 15 grams of fat and 320 calories, i.e. 42% of its calories are from fat. Other famous restaurants' hamburgers have more calories and larger percentages of fats.
Thus, hamburgers give us much more calories than we need and their calories come mainly from fats.
When it comes to sugar, it is enough to say that the typical can of soda contains an equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Fast food thus offers much more calories than our systems can digest; and these extra calories are stored in our bodies in the form of fats. Excessive storage of fats in the body leads to obesity, which does not merely prevent people from looking slim, but it furthermore predisposes them to many disorders, such as insulin-dependent diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and coronary artery disease. More fatally, obesity has been linked to an increased incidence of certain cancers, notably cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate, breast, uterus, and cervix.
If fast food and soft drinks mark the American way of life, then it is easy to understand why more than half of all adult Americans are overweight. Actually, both scientific studies and common sense indicate that fast food is the primary reason for obesity.
More fatally, obesity has been linked to an increased incidence of certain cancers, notably cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate, breast, uterus, and cervix.
Consuming junk food does not only mean eating the chemical food additives that are added while the food is being processed, nor is it limited to looking fat and getting exposed to obesity-related illnesses. The problems of fast food are far more diversified.
"No two countries that both have a McDonald's have ever fought a war against each other," says Thomas Friedman, the well-known globalization theorist, and the Foreign Affairs columnist.
According to Friedman's McPeace theory, McDonald's might prevent wars; but can McDonald's prevent the diseases caused by the junk it serves, such as obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and even cancer? 

Dental Health and the Miswak

"Good dental health is more than the absence of disease or tooth decay in your mouth," says David Kennedy, DDS and author of How to Save Your Teeth (Kennedy, pg.3). "It is an integral part of your well being. People with exceptionally healthy bodies usually have healthy teeth and gums." Teeth are also a blessing from Allah. It is said that, "If the eyes are a window to the soul then the mouth is the doorway to the body" (Stay, p.5).
Teeth play an important function in the digestive process. They are important in helping people to speak and in upholding one's facial structure. Without teeth, nobody would be able to say anything comprehendible, if at all. Without teeth you would have to swallow your food without being able to chew it first, which is unhealthy for the digestive system.
However, despite their important functions, teeth are the least cared for part of the body. But, cleaning one's teeth does not have to be complicated. Eating unprocessed food and staying away from sugary sweets are simple keys to good dental health.
Caries, or dental decay, is the most common disease affecting the teeth. People eating large amounts of processed foods or sweets and then forgetting - or not wanting - to brush their teeth afterwards, end up causing easily avoidable decaying of the teeth. While chewing food, small pieces tend to become stuck to the surface the teeth, as well as in between them. Leaving those pieces there for a long period of time causes the food to go bad, which in turn attracts bacteria that dig holes in the teeth. Most people do not realize the damage that is being done until the tooth is already decayed and must be pulled out by a dentist.
In addition, poor dental health also leads to bad breath and many other diseases, including malocclusion, periodontal diseases or even oral cancer.
David Kennedy documents that the devastating effects of sweet-rich diets were documented as early as 1938. In many industrialized countries, dental decay is becoming less common due to renewed awareness and efforts towards dental health. However, in the developing world, where previously many people were free of dental decay, it is becoming increasingly common (Kennedy, pg. 10).
Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, set out on a world expedition to discover why, as a general rule, societies untouched by modern civilization had excellent teeth, whereas civilized societies had comparatively poor teeth. He compiled a photographic record of his travels and concluded that diet - not poor brushing habits, was the culprit (Kennedy, p.2). However, proper care of the teeth was the second most influential factor in people with healthy teeth.
According to researchers, the people with the best teeth are not those who have the fanciest sonic toothbrushes - but those who use their toothbrushes regularly and after each snack and meal. In fact, ancient cultures and developing nations lacked the technology to create such machines for the teeth, yet there have always been reliable ways to clean them.
American Indians used fresh bark from the prickly ash tree to clean their teeth. The sap from this tree kills bacteria. Mojave Desert Indians used twigs from the cresotebush and rural villagers in India used the neem tree.
It is as difficult to envision speaking to Allah (through prayer) with bad breath and dirty teeth as it is to envision speaking to a friend when you are suffering from bad breath and dirty teeth.
Muslims use what is called a miswak. Amiswak, or siwak, is a small stick with which the teeth are rubbed and cleaned. The end is shaped into a brush through biting or chewing, which serve to separate the fibers and release the healing herbal powers of the twig. Some advantages of themiswak are that is does not require toothpaste, water or a special area to use it, and may be easily carried in one's purse or pocket. It is also disposable and biodegradable - therefore, it is the ultimate environmentally safe toothbrush. Some people even believe it works betterthan a toothbrush.
Nevertheless, a more compelling reason to use the miswak is that it isSunnah to do so. Abu Hurairah reported that Prophet Mohammad (saws) said, "Were it not that I might overburden believers, I would have ordered them to use the miswak at every prayer" (Imam Muslim, Vol. 1).
According to researchers it is this regular cleaning of the teeth, along with a proper diet, that makes the difference between healthy and unhealthy teeth.
Keeping your teeth clean is as important Islamically as it is medically. It is as difficult to envision speaking to Allah (through prayer) with bad breath and dirty teeth as it is to envision speaking to a friend when you are suffering from bad breath and dirty teeth.
The Prophet himself (saws), used to use the miswak before every prayer (Sahih Muslim, Vol.1). Modern science suggests we would do well to follow his example.

சிறந்த 10 அறிவுரைகள்........

இந்த 10  உபதேசங்களையும் வாழ்க்கையில் கடை பிடியுங்கள். வெற்றி பெறுவீர்கள். ஒருநாளும் தோல்வி அடைய மாடீர்கள்.

1. எந்தச் சந்தர்ப்பமாயிருந்தாலும் பாங்கொலி கேட்டவுடன் தொழுகைக்காக எழுந்து செல்லுங்கள்.

2. அல்குர்ஆனை ஓதுங்கள்; அல்லது அதனைச் செவிமடுங்கள்; அல்லது அல்லாஹ்வை திக்ர் செய்யுங்கள். உங்களது நேரத்தின் ஒரு பகுதியைக் கூட பயனின்றிக் கழித்துவிடாதீர்கள்.

3. அரபி மொழியைக் கற்பதற்கும் பேசுவதற்கும் முயற்சி செய்யுங்கள். ஏனெனில், அது இஸ்லாத்தின் மூலாதார நூல்களின் மொழியாகும்.

4. எந்தவொரு விஷயத்திலும் தர்க்கம் புரியாதீர்கள். ஏனெனில், தர்க்கம் புரிவதால் எந்த நன்மையும் விளையாது.

5. அதிகமாகச் சிரிக்காதீர்கள். ஏனெனில், அல்லாஹ்வுடன் தொடர்புள்ள மனிதன் எப்போதும் அமைதியாகவும் கண்ணியமாகவுமே நடந்து கொள்வான்.

6. யாரையும் பரிகாசம் செய்யாதீர்கள். ஏனெனில், வெற்றியை இலக்காகக் கொண்ட சமூகம், எதையும் இலக்கோடுதான் பார்க்கும்.

7. தேவையைவிட அதிகமாகக் குரலெழுப்பாதீர்கள். அது பிறருக்கு விகார மாகவும் தொல்லையாகவுமே இருக்கும்.

8. தனிமனிதர்களைப் பற்றிப் புறம் பேசுவதையும் அமைப்புகளைக் குறை கூறுவதையும் தவிர்த்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள். நல்லவற்றைத் தவிர வேறெதையும் பேசாதீர்கள்
9. நீங்கள் சந்திக்கின்ற ஒவ்வொரு சகோதரருடனும் அறிமுகமாகிக் கொள்ளுங்கள். அவர்கள் அதனை உங்களிடம் எதிர்பார்க்காவிட்டாலும் சரியே. ஏனெனில், நமது அழைப்புப் பணியின் அடிப்படையே பரஸ்பர அறிமுகம்தான்.

10. நேரத்தைவிட கடமைகள் அதிகம். பிறர் தமது நேரத்தைப் பயனுள்ளதாக்க உதவுங்கள். பிறரிடம் உங்களுக்கு ஏதாவது தேவையிருந்தால் அதைச் சுருக்கமாக முடித்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்

Sports Help Boost Your Mental Health

Since its advent, Islam has always encouraged its believers to exert effort through useful physical activities and sports which are extremely beneficial for our body, as they help us get fit and prevent us from being sick. But in recent times it has also been identified that games and sports are equally helpful in improving our mental health. This article will focus on some of the important advantages of sports and physical activities on our mental health.
Relieving Anxiety
If you are an athlete, you will easily feel that your engagement in sports and rigorous physical activities have removed your anxiety in a complete manner. This will ultimately assist you to always remain cheerful and happy. “Active participation in games and sports will create enhanced pressure on your muscles and tendons, which will ultimately assist in relaxing your mind and body.” Dr. Hasibul Hasan, specialist in neurology and neurosurgery at Barisal Medical College, told
“In very stressful situations, an athlete or sports person reacts in a better way. This is because physical activities will relieve him from all sorts of depression and worry, and enable him to take appropriate decisions whenever necessary,” he added.
Physical activities increase your overall circulation of blood inside your body and ensure enhanced blood flow to the brain.
It has been found that sports and fitness activities can play a significant role to relieve us from stress and tension. When you are playing, you will temporarily forget anything that is creating problems in your personal or social life.
Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman, senior medical officer at Narayanganj Medical College stated that “If you are actively involved in games and sports, it will reduce your tension quite significantly. The reason is, physical activities will increase your overall circulation of blood inside your body, and specifically it will ensure enhanced blood flow to the brain.”
On the same track, concentration is something that is always required in order to do better in training. If you are enthusiastically involved in games, you will feel that you are able to concentrate more in other activities, too. Active participation in sports will assist in reducing stress, which will help you to become more focused in all other activities. At the end, this will help you to achieve true success in life.
Dealing with Depression
Nowadays, depression is very common as a psychological illness that destroys lives and wreaks havoc on many people. Often you will find the news of suicide where many people take their own lives due to being depressed and being totally dissatisfied with their lives. If you are really depressed, then involving within games will significantly help you reduce the symptoms of depression and improve your mood. In western societies, games and different other forms of physical activities are often suggested by the experts for the effective treatment of depression.
“Sports and different other forms of physical exercises are really helpful to remove your worries and stress, which will make your heart full of joy and contentment, and enhance your life satisfaction”, said Nusrat Ansary, associate professor of psychology, at the Women’s Federation College of Dhaka.
“Sports and depression cannot go side-by-side. In addition to psychotherapy and behavioral interventions, it is also advised to be involved in various games and sports for the successful treatment of depression”, she added.
Ensuring Restful Sleep
Appropriate level of sleep is absolutely essential for maintaining a good health. Researchers have suggested that 5-8 hours of sound sleep every night is quite vital for keeping sound physical and mental health. And physical activities and sports always ensure sound restful sleep.
Sports can surely assist you to elevate your self-worth and make you totally confident about yourself. It may help you to give proper value to your life, and a goal to achieve.
Suppose you are a footballer, and you practice on daily basis. After playing continuously for an hour and a half match or for couple of training hours, it is quite certain that you will get extremely tired. This weariness will help you to have a sound sleep, which will make you joyful and happy.
Sports can surely assist you to elevate your self-worth and make you totally confident about yourself. It may help you to give proper value to your life, and a goal to achieve. Dr. Fatima Nuzhat, renowned psychologist and expert in mental health reiterated this fact:  that “Regular physical activity will boost your self-confidence. It will surely make you feel better, and totally satisfied with yourself. It will also remove all sorts of shyness, and make you extrovert.”
“After completion of specific course of physical activity, you may feel like you have got million dollars,” she added.
Having Fun
Engaging in various kinds of sports and physical activities will always give you a lot of fun and ensure true entertainment. Experts unanimously agree that being always cheerful and happy is tremendously beneficial for maintaining a sound mental health. If you are keen to have fun, sports and games will ensure that for you.
Hence, it can be concluded that all of us should be physically active and engage ourselves in some form of games and sports for the overall betterment of our mental health.